Suzete Venturelli
Artist researcher and professor at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi / Universidade de Brasília / CNPq. She holds a postdoctoral degree at the University of São Paulo, School of Communication and Arts; PhD in Arts and Art Sciences, at the Sorbonne Paris I University (1988). She has coordinated the first laboratory dedicated to computational art. In 1989, participated in the founding of the Infoestética group.
She has published several books such as Arte: espaco_tempo_imagem, Interactive Image and Computational Art, by Editora Universidade de Brasília (Edunb). She has co-authored with François Soulages the books Frontières des Mouvements Autophotobiographématiques; De la photographie au post-digital: Du contemporain au post-contemporain and Esthétique et connectivité, by L’Harmattan Publishers.
Her artistic works involves Computational Art, Virtual Reality, Virtual Worlds, Animation and Interactive Images. She coordinates the International Meetings of Art and Technology (#ART) and has curated exhibitions such as Cinético_Digital (2005) at Itaú Cultural-São Paulo with Mônica Tavares (2005); Humano_pós_Humano at Centro Cutural Banco do Brasil; Seconde Nature, with works by Miguel Chevalier, at the Marcantônio Villaça Cultural Space, among others.
She has also received several awards such as XPTA_LAB, Ministry of Culture and Society of Friends of the Cinemateca; Latin American and African Festival of Art and Culture Award; Funarte Award for Contemporary Art; Rumos Arte Cibernética Award for Scientific Initiation works. She received support to carry out projects, events and research by CNPq, Fapdf, Capes, Funarte.
She is currently a Full Professor at the University of Brasília (UnB) and a Professor at the Anhembi Morumbi University. (UAM) She works in the Post-Graduate Programs in Visual Arts at UnB and in the Post-Graduate Program in Design at UAM, in the Design, Art and Technology concentration area. She is currently a scholarship holder of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
Marilia Pasculli
She holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Communication in Radio and Television at FAAP – Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado, São Paulo and a master’s degree on Digital Art Curatorship at MECAD – Media Center d’art i Dissenny, Barcelona.
Curator and artistic director of the Verve Cultural, she investigates and designs innovative platforms for digital art exhibitions, such as sculptural LEDs, large scale media architecture and immersive installations. She is the founder of the Art Gallery Digital SESI-SP, the largest media facade initiative in Latin America. On that media facade, she produced and curated eleven digital art exhibitions, among them the SP_Urban Digital Festival, that is entering in the eighth edition. On the past years large scale installations and urban media art projects spread throughout the city of São Paulo were also signed by Marilia Pasculli.
Her projects, in partnership with artists, explore the physical and digital space, creating a hybrid relationship between architecture and media arts. She is interested in the challenges that technological development and ubiquitous computing pose to digital artists, engineers and urban planners, and how they affect human capabilities and the perception of space.
She has worked in partnership with Julian Opie, Eduardo Kac, James George, Muti Randolph, Lucas Bambozzi, Vigas, Anaísa Franco, Lev Manovich, Fernando Velázquez, Marina Zurkow, Pfadfinderai among others. She has participated in panels and lectured at several international festivals, highlighting Transmediale (Berlin, 2014), MUTEK (Montreal, 2014) and Ars Electronica Festival (Linz, 2015). Most recently she was a speaker at the MAB Media Architecture Biennale in China in 2018 and MAB Online at the ‘Futures Implied’ symposium in 2021.
As a producer, she was the executive producer of ‘Mostra Museu: Arte em Quarentena’ (São Paulo, SP, 2021), she also produced ‘Luzes da Liberdade’ (Belo Horizonte-MG) and ‘Cerrado Mapping Festival’ (Vila de Santa Bárbara-MG) festivals, both in 2020.
She was recently awarded in the “Participatory City” category at the MAB-Media Architecture Biennale 2021, with the project ‘Arte Conecta: exposição urbana de arte projetada’, executed at the beginning of the quarantine.